Foster Application


We don’t have a physical location in the valley, and rely on people like you to continue to save lives, and place homeless dogs into forever homes. Please fill out the form and read our fostering policies and procedures to apply. Email us at with any questions. Thank you for helping to save lives!

  • For most dogs, adopters must have a 6ft+ fence.
  • We make exceptions exceptions on a case by case basis, so please still apply if you feel you have the time and lifestyle to help!
  • We prefer to place dogs in a house with a yard whenever we can, but again exceptions are made.

Please Note:

  • We are not able to reimburse for destruction of any property in your home that came about as a result of a foster dog.
  • You may need to provide paperwork showing that you are allowed to have a husky on your property if you are renting – please be prepared to do so and be sure you are able to foster at your residence before applying.
  • We reserve the right to remove a foster dog from your property at any time, with notice.
  • If you wish to adopt your foster dog, this can be done after all medical has been provided. A fee will still be applicable.

Next Steps

Once we receive your adoption application, we will be in touch to coordinate with you – it may take 5-7 business days to receive a reply, though we aim to respond sooner. We are entirely volunteer-run with busy schedules, so please be patient!

Foster a husky

  • About You

    Please be as detailed as possible in all answers - the more detail, the greater likelihood your application will result in an ideal foster placement.
  • About Your Home

    Please be as detailed as possible in all answers - the more detail, the greater likelihood your application will result in a successful placement and adoption.
  • Species & BreedGenderAgeFixed?Temperament 
    (Use the (+) symbol to add more rows for more pets - enter n/a if not applicable)
  • Species & BreedGenderFixed?Special medical needs?Passed away or rehomed? 
    (Use the (+) symbol to add more rows for more pets)
  • NameRelationship (or self)AgeCommitment 
    (Use the (+) symbol to add more rows for more pets)
  • ( If you rent, we will need a letter from your landlord stating you can have a dog.)
  • Caring for your Foster Dog

  • Background

    Be as detailed as possible.
  • Acknowledgement + Agreement

    I acknowledge that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
    I understand that any misrepresentations of fact may result in removal of the adopted dog from my home by AZ Husky Rescue. Upon approval and placement, a signed copy of the above information will be required for verification.

    Foster Agreement

    This agreement is made between you, the foster, and AZ Husky Rescue. This agreement pertains to any and all future dogs fostered for AZ Husky Rescue, even if there is a lengthy gap between dogs. As a foster for AZ Husky Rescue, I agree to the following:
  • Home Visits

    I understand that a representative from AZ Husky Rescue will make an initial home check to verify the above information is accurate.
  • Clear Signature
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.